"Violent Media Is Good For Kids" Critical Responce
In Gerard Jones's "Violent Media Is Good For Kids," Jones argues to why violent media is helpfull and important to kids. He gives many pieces of evidence from his and other's experiences as well as a statement from psycologist who works with young teens. He doesnt't refute it that well however but still makes strong convincing statements.
From paragraph one through five, he talks about himself as a child and how violent media helped him come out of his shell. This is valid evidence as he, himself, has experienced the good that voilent media can do. Another piece of valid evidence he gives in paragraph 9 where he cites a report from Ph.D psycologist, Melanie Moore, claiming that children DO need the violent media. And in paragraph 10 he expands on what she studied and found. This makes his arguement stronger because it made it more credible, more believeable since he featured an actual psycologist who studied the subject. His next evidence comes from the experiences of two girls, each who have used violent media as an outlet. From paragraph 13 through 15, he explains how both girls had hard times going on in life, one used writing and wrote about violent angry heros while the other used rap music and its explicit language to express how she felt. Both girls had a positive outcome because of their out rage and frustration. This also strengthens his arguement because it showed how it had a positive influence on them
Jones's refutation is week however. In paragraph 16, he acknowledges that violent media has "helped inspire some people to real life violence," but doesn't give much detail other than that. He doesn't explore the opposing side thoroughly leaving his arguement mostly one sided and his refutation weak.
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